

Flashmob release party!

The release party for the flashmob videos will be held in Malmö on the 13th of dec 2021. There will be food by Evi, som champaigne and of course a preview of both the english and swedish version of the…

Lund was blessed by Flashmob

The flashmob was performed a second day, now in the city of Lund on the 18th of september 2021. This time the time span between performances was shortened so the ensemble managed to squeeze in no less than 7 performances…

5 x Flashmob in Malmö

The flashmob was performed 5 times in Malmö on the 7th of august 2021. Two of them were in English and three in Swedish.The day was a great success and it was filmed with 7 cameras including a drone.The wagon…

Rehearsal at Bulltofta

The dreass rehearsal at Bulltofta, 31st of july 2021 is now completed and the project is ready to be launched!After two long days of intense rehearsals with some 35 people including 6 musicians the ensemble is now ready to perform…